Friday, June 23, 2006

I feel this everyday NOW.......Quite FUNNY

Time is passing quickly. I have to act fast, resist all my temptations and move without any interruption. Things will not change unless i bring it about in my ownself. The world cares none and in this brief odd life, i have to put up the best show.
The consequences of my failure are beyond imaginable and with each passing moment i can breath in its painful taste. Yes, I have found my way, long and full of short run troubles but beyond its serene and comfortable. The lusts of the world wants to take me away, and though i will succumb at certain points, but ultimately my unending desire to achieve the LAKSH will prevail. I will fight and this is a COMBAT season. Its no time to waste and sleep must wait.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

I thank God, for not fulfilling our every desire. I wonder if this could happen, what would happen? As a law student and as a poor social observer, i believed that the gap between the theoretical and practical world is a cause of real mess in this whole world. To some degree, this is absolutely true. But both these domains are completely apart and yet linked. We are free in thinking all the unthinkables but limited when it comes to actual business.
What if the wishes of following would come true:
1) My wish to achieve everything without the present set of life style and poorest struggle levels.
2) A Mullah wish to turn this country into their Islamic State.
3) A shiite wish to turn this state into an Iran type State.
4) A sunnite wish to turn this state into a Saudi Prototype State.
5) A human right activists wish to turn this state into a Secular State.
6) Every Pakistani's wish to make things go his favor entirely without difficulty.
7) Our prayers in every pray, to have ONLY joys in life.

And zillion other wishes of zillion people.
I came to a bright conclusion that if all our wishes come true then no more we will be beautiful humans, we will become God and we should better mind OUR own BUSINESS. Adversary make our lives beautiful and though we will continue to be imperfect, its time around to stay in this world for SOME TIME and go back home. A wish chaser will be a loser even if he gets it.

Verily, Man is in crises.............

I like writing but blogging came as an opportunity with crises. Since the time i started to blog, my focus of writing is not to satisfy myself but to what others may like or want to read. Last 40 odd days will consume me to think about this issue too. If it is a forum for advertisment and the GoogleAdsense certainly adds to it, then no way i am successful in earning a penny from this. Secondly, if i want to promote my dogmas to others, i am so clear now that before you preach you should be preached. Thirdly, one reason of my rare posts owes to government decision not to pave the way of its ready access in Pakistan. Lastly, even here i feel like competing with fellow bloggers and in this process will kill my already wounded potentials.

Not self contradicting myself but the posts will continue to appear on this blog because it is certainly an active forum where people can learn from other's experiences and few others like me can narrate their inside.

*I am tired. For the moment its enough of this worldly experience.
In the words of Faiz:

"Apnay abao ajdad kee meeras hai, keh phir bhe jeay jatay hain
Kiya ye kisi muflis kee kaba hai jis mai har gharee zulm kay paiwand lagay jatay hain"

(This life is a bequeathed legacy, and we keep on suffering. Isnt' this life a poor man's shawl, where patches of pain are wooven every moment.)