"Ahimsa" is power but most peace lovers fail to recognize the faculties of might. The peace needs a laboratory environment that can best be created by the 'violence' chemical around. A perfect peace is unattainable but a true peace can be achieved. Now one needs to distinguish between the perfect peace which is UTOPIA and a real peace which involves the dominance of peace over violence. The might may pains apparently but allows a larger benefit. It is virtually impossible for governance to operate without the 'naked sword' but what might be the limits to which this can be used is a query?
Personally i believe that every government is successful if it closely follows the legal code. Not many poor countries realize the power of 'enforcing laws' which is indeed a tough business. It was rightly said that when the governments worry about the people, people no more worries about themselves. Now i may be talking strangely, absurdly, and contradictory but the underlying principle is clear, all clear and very important. With all respect and due regards to Gandhi ji and his adage of AHIMSA, my love for violence need not to be overlooked. The fear of pain is real pain and every criminal will atleast be psychological deterred before carrying out a crime to some extend this way and will help minimize and neutralize the horrors of their action. I love peace but the pragmatism seeks violence and states need violence to protect the weak bodies like me. PEACE LIVES LONG BY THE CAPSULE OF VIOLENCE.
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